
  Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a violent end, by way of her knife. Driven by the same force to make the opposite sex suffer, the killers’ fates intertwine. The two must face off in a battle to the death, in which they are forced to reveal the horrible truth behind their addiction to murder.
  “Brutal” takes an interesting approach to its visuals, drawing heavy influence from Western “Grindhouse” films, using a filter to make the footage appear grainy, damaged, and with light and color fluctuations. Unfortunately, the visual styling ends up feeling misguided, as other than applying the filter it does not imitate any other aspects of the “Grindhouse” genre. Despite trying to dirty up the film, it is apparent it was shot on digital. The cinematography is also a step above most “Grindhouse” productions, with Takashi Hirose proving he has talent behind the camera. Exterior shots to those taking place in small spaces are all competently framed, lit, and transition well. The decision to add an effect on top of the work hurts the film’s imagery and even gives a sense of desperation to try to capture a certain type of nostalgia with the audience, instead of relying on its own strengths. It is unfortunate when one creative choice can hurt a production so much.
  The story of “Brutal” is simple but effective, it does attempt some sort of social commentary about the violent nature of men and women, but it does not offer enough depth into the subject to justify the amount of violence on display. The film does end on a strong note with an interesting twist, with a reveal that is bound to gross some out, while giving others a chuckle. In spite of its simple nature, those who enjoy films that make them somewhat uncomfortable and enjoy the challenge of getting through some ultra-violence, “Brutal” poses a fun and entertaining challenge in that regard.


  • 谈昊穹 0小时前 :

    啊 小新真的是一个暖男呢 和妈妈 和朋友之间的感情令人动容 涂鸦王国的 啧 想象力丰富 穿过两天的小内裤真是能量满满 佐卫门关键时刻还是没有掉链子 真好 这一部里表现了成年人的丑恶的一面 或许也是人性里丑恶的一面 值得深思

  • 香楠 9小时前 :

    3.5 新加入了很多角色,反派方出现了很多小boss级别的人却完全不知道有啥用,咖喱店一家真的不是带资进组么?(不如把时间分给春日部防卫队)。前半部分的剧情实在是太水了,之后的立意就变得有趣且深刻了(比如新之助创作的三个角色走向,新之助的内心刻画,失控自私的茫茫大众……),很燃又催泪。(前半段)剧情节奏拉胯和(大部分)角色的刻画失败导致本作无法媲美早中期的几部剧场版\ 春日部的老熟人们史诗级客串露脸简直暴哭\ 肥嘟嘟左卫门赛高

  • 竭芳茵 4小时前 :

    每个人的内核都是肥嘟嘟左卫门 表面善内里不定 但是再往里深入 还是善良的 我们都会时常表现出恶的一面 但是只要稍加引导多点思考 我们都是内心善良的人 不论是孩子还是大人 绝不让危机和罪恶磨灭我们人性的光辉 人类的伟大就是勇气的伟大 人类的赞歌就是勇气的赞歌 新诺思楷你最棒 我们永远爱你

  • 橘萱 0小时前 :


  • 藤水凡 5小时前 :


  • 泽禧 4小时前 :


  • 洲彩 4小时前 :


  • 春锦 2小时前 :

    没被雨中的消逝感动到 反而感觉最好的段落是孩子们一起在城市里涂鸦

  • 骏骞 5小时前 :

    心情不好的时候就要看小新 心情好更要看小新

  • 锦雨 8小时前 :


  • 蹉芳林 9小时前 :

    (7/10)年货虽然不错. 但我还是希望看到大胆的主创. 而不是抓到套路后按部就班.

  • 梦雯 8小时前 :


  • 梅彩 5小时前 :


  • 汉濮存 6小时前 :


  • 罗敏思 7小时前 :


  • 绪凝然 1小时前 :

    超过期待呀,很有小新低俗的风格,左门卫、内裤弟负责搞笑,娜娜子负责感动(ಥ_ಥ) 很美好呦

  • 香曼 2小时前 :


  • 茜梅 1小时前 :


  • 骏骞 5小时前 :


  • 欣浩 7小时前 :

    稍逊之前的蜡笔小新 不过还是很好看!漫画一贯的动感


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